Dustin Yellin

Eden Disorder

MARCH 20 - MAY 10, 2010

Presented as Samuel Freeman Gallery at Bergamot Station, Santa Monica.

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Dustin Yellin
Eden Disorder
March 20 - May 10, 2010

Dustin Yellin presents Eden Disorder, an exhibition of all new sculptures, branching out and twisting expectations. This is Yellin’s third show at the gallery and the first time a full body of his work has been shown on the West Coast since January 2008. The crux of Yellin's sculpture is pure contradiction: the objects don't exist. Despite what the eye thinks is sees, it's simply not there. No tree, no skull, no branch, no bone. Focus on the front plane and there is no denying the intricate depths of twisting color — although what you see may indeed look like no living thing you've seen before. Walk around to the side and it becomes clear that what you see is not what you thought — the images disappear. Yellin's convoluted brain-children are layered ink and acrylic drawings, frozen in layers of resin or glass, flattened out and brought to full size. On display is a menagerie of beasties straight from the mind of one Dustin Yellin, from Red Hook.

For this exhibition, Samuel Freeman unveils a forest of massive trees in the main gallery, full figured vascular displays in the chapel, and a room full of fantastical illusions to the side —amounting to a vivisectionist’s Eden Disorder.


Robert Rahway Zakanitch


Billy Al Bengston